Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grandma. I love you!

I have so many memories of times we spent together. You coming to see us when we lived in Texas and bringing the ten speed bike I was sure I wasn't getting. Riding in the convertible acting like celebrities. Our crazy trip to Boston and Cape Cod. Coming over and watching Dancing with the Stars with you. Laying in your bed talking one night on Christmas Eve.

The memories I will cherish the most are the times you were there for me. When I was dumb enough to think I knew more then mom and dad and moved out at 18. You took me in with no judgment or questions.
being in the pre-surgical room right after my car accident. We were there for a while and every time I woke up and open my eyes you were sitting there next to me.
And when I had my own cancer scare you called me every day till we got the results.
Every time I needed you, without me asking you were there.

You taught me to never be afraid to be who I am. To stand up for who I was and to be proud of myself. I know even during the times I wasn't you were proud of me. I know because you told me. You taught me about strength and perseverance. You never gave up. When you found out you had breast cancer again you said you would not give up and that you would beat it. And you were right. Cancer didn't win. You may have died with cancer but you didn't die because of cancer. So you won. And in my mind you will always be a survivor!

It's not fair and it sucks. You were so strong for all of us. Always taking care of us. I can't imagine a world without you in it.

I will miss your laugh, inside jokes and calling you by your Indian name. But most of all I will miss the moments when we just sat and talked. When you told me stories about when you were growing up and stories you told me about when I was little.

You will never be gone from our lives. You will live on in all of us. Your legacy will live on through all of us.

So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a hand print on my heart

I love you so much!

A beautiful smile - One that I will never forget!
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
The original Donut Kings
5 Generations
Christmas 2010
"King" ladies at Heather's baby shower
My Ga-Ga and Boppy and me in front of the King Donut Shop

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