Friday, June 24, 2011

Lessons learned this week

Last Saturday Trace and I dropped Sami and Scott off at the church for a week long missions trip to New Orleans. I have to admit I was a mess. As soon as the vans pulled out of the parking lot and I was safely in my car with Trace I bawled like a baby. A big part of me was missing them. Sami had never been away from me for a week. I had been away from her but she had never left me. And then to top it all off I didn't even have my husband to comfort me. But there was also this part of me that was nervous about how Trace and I would get a long throughout the week. We'd always been close but over the years he had found a lot of things to bond with Scott on and I had felt like I was left out in the cold. We had become a house divided. Sami with me and Trace with Scott. But this week I learned it doesn't and shouldn't be like that.
I have to say that I have really enjoyed this week with my son. And look forward to every and any moment I can spend with him.

But....I do miss my daughter and my husband and I can't wait to see them tomorrow. But tonight....I think I will go and hang out with my guy...maybe play a board game, maybe watch a movie or maybe just talk....

Some things I've learned this week:
1. I am so in love with my husband! I fell in love with the handsome man that swept me off of my feet. I stayed in love with the protector of our family, the wonderful father to our children and the man of God he is.

2. My son is turning into quite a man. He is taking after his father in so many ways. From stepping in during the storms this week to watching him interact with the kids he was caring for this week I am in amazement over the man he is becoming. He is following after Jesus with heartfelt passion and I can not wait to see what the next phase of his life is.

3. I am so incredibly blessed to have a daughter that has a heart for missions and for people. I can't wait to hear about her experiences. I know that she has been waiting for this trip for so long. Yes, to spend time with friends but also because she has a genuine heart of compassion to help out people.
4. I have a wonderful group of friends that were willing to be there when and if I needed them this week.

5. As tough as it can can always be worse. My heart breaks for my co-workers who have lost their home from the floods in Minot. Knowing what it feels like to lose your home I pray for their faith to be strong enough to know God will see them through this.

6. I will never get use to being alone.....but I am a heck of lot stronger then I realized!

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