Friday, August 22, 2008

Being Real

I've always been an open book. When I'm having a bad or good day people usually know it and they know why. There are people I know who seem to have the perfect life. I know that isn't true. But why do they feel the need to give off that impression? We have been taught throughout our lives to not show that we are struggling with something. We're told it makes us look weak. As Christians are we so afraid of looking "non-Christian" that we are missing a wonderful opportunity to reach non-Christians just because we don't want to look like we don't have it together? I will tell you that before I was a believer I felt uncomfortable around Christians that appeared to always have it together. I thought I never measured up. The ones that reached me were the ones that were honest about their lives. Knowing they slip up from time to time made me realize how loving our God was. That He would love me despite my mistakes.

God made us from a perfect love for us. But He did not make us perfect.

So here's the real me….my house is NEVER ready for company. I sometimes forget to remind my kids to brush their teeth and forget to sign their planners for school. My purse and shoes never match. I still swear sometimes even when I am trying my hardest not to. And every now and then I have fallen asleep while praying. But I know God forgives me, and my family forgives me. My closest friends know that I will always be there for them. My children and husband know they mean the world to me. And when we are laughing and wrestling on the floor I occasionally look up at the dust and the clutter that is our house and I think - life is good but messy, so why should my home and family be any different ;o)

Be real today!

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