Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Training has come to a halt for now..

The week I left for Wisconsin I stopped training. I had this horrible fear that my klutzy butt was going to injure myself and either not be able to go or have huge problems while out there. Doing some marathon shopping at Jordan Creek Mall didn't help things either. The Thursday before we left Wisconsin I decided to go and get strep throat and a nasty cold. The week after I got home I decided to take it easy and not run. Then this week I decided I wasn't getting any better so I should probably go and see the Dr. again. Now I have bronchitis. I am now on my second course of antibiotics and was told under no uncertain terms am I to run again until I have at least finished the new course of antibiotics. Granted I don't feel much like running. Climbing stairs leaves me very winded but I hate that I am falling behind in training when I just started. I'm pretty much just going to have to start over. I'm not a big fan of the word hate but in this case I can safely say that I hate bronchitis!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tina I really hope your Craigs list/Ebay search for a new lung works out well for you and hope that you feel better soon!