For those of you that know me know that over 30 years ago a wonderful man stepped into my life. For those who don't I will give you a quick - reader's digest version of the events.
When I was really young my father walked away from my mom and I. And when I was around 3 years old my mom remarried. They tried unsuccessfully to have my real father sign over his rights so my "step-dad" could adopt me. Most of my life my real father was in prison. He never paid my mother any child support and truly was not a dad to me. My "step-dad" was a great man. From the day he stepped into my life he has been the most wonderful, caring dad. He never once made me feel as though I was not his flesh and blood. I have called him dad for as long as I can remember. I could not have asked for a better dad.
A year ago, while my mom and dad were working on their will it was revealed to their attorney that I was not my father's real daughter. The attorney asked if there was any reason why my father had not adopted me. After they explained the situation the attorney asked if there was any reason why they didn't do it now.
That brings us to present day. Wednesday, May 7th the papers were filed to have my dad adopt me. I can't tell you the excitement I have for the day when this is finally official! When my dad first asked me if I wanted this to be done last year I knew that it would happen. My dad is very determined (hmmmm....must be where I get it). If he says something is going to happen then it will. Even so it felt like this moment may never come. But it has. We don't have a court date yet but we are hoping soon. I will keep you all posted.
To my dad I want to say this: the gift you have given me is worth more to me than you will ever know. You have made a dream come true. True we are only making a reality out of something that we have lived for years but, to quote a Brad Paisley song ("He Didn't Have To Be): I hope I'm at least half the dad (or for me - parent) that he didn't have to be
Because he didn't have to be....
You didn't have to be dad....but I'm so glad you did. I love you!
Wow, that's awesome!
That's incredible...congratulations!!!
My dear cousin,
That story was truly incredible. Thanks for sharing your blog with me.
I do know what a wonderful Uncle I have!
Love you,
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