Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Mind-Dump

I'm going to be a big copy-cat and steal an idea from a couple friends of mine.

  • Praying hard this week for my husband that a job opens up and his health improves.
  • I was breathing a sigh of relief on Sunday that last week was over....then I looked at our schedule for this week.
  • Thinking something I never thought I would think "how many more years before Sami can drive herself places?" eek!
  • Softball practice starts this week! Torn between being really excited and terrified that I didn't think this through - I forgot I was out of shape
  • I'm really out of shape - and I hate exercising - and I want to eat some nachos
  • Wondering if starting my diet the same week softball practice begins was the smartest thing.
  • Super excited that I bought my first real leather purse from a store that doesn't also sell food. If you are a girl you totally get this. If you are a boy - just smile and shake your head like my husband.
  • I'm trying to think of something special for the 8th grade girls in youth group. Why is this so hard - I was an 8th grade girl once.
  • Why is it snowing in April??
  • Trace has had his first broken bone. Too bad for him it's not an exciting tale to tell. He just got in the way of a very animated friend telling a story.

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