Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 12th

March 12th was the 1 year anniversary of my Grandma Jenny's death. I took the day off. I prepared myself leading up to the day. I even cried before the day got here. And then I woke up on March 12th and found....nothing. It was just another day. The sun still rose, people still went to work, the kids still went to school. What did I expect? A day full of remembrance? Something special? I miss her like crazy. My heart aches for her. But did it hurt anymore than any other day of the year? No. Why did I allow this day to control me? Why did it effect my entire week and weeks leading up to the day? I will never not miss her but I need to stop thinking the world is just going to stop just because my heart breaks. When I can really learn this then March 12th will be just another day to honor her memory. Just as every day should be.

On a side note I did get a new tattoo in honor of her. It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself ;o)

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