Thursday, February 21, 2008


Things I've learned:

  • You can find all the answers in the Bible.
  • My husband's smile can still make me feel like everything will be ok.
  • Middle school girls (and sometimes girls in general) can be vicious to each other.
  • Someone's decision for themselves can effect someone else's life forever - even if they don’t realize it yet.
  • DNA doesn't make a father a daddy.
  • There is no manual for 10 year old boys.
  • Trace won't break if I let him be him.
  • Sometimes God doesn't think you need the answers yet - you just need to have faith.
  • Bon Jovi is the best band of all time.

Thing I still need to learn:

  • How to always find the answers I'm looking for in the Bible.
  • That my husband needs to still see me smile to know it will all be ok.
  • To understand there will be some problems Samantha has that I will not be able to solve.
  • To not let others effect who I am and who I can be.
  • How to explain to Samantha so she understands it wasn't because of her that her father left when sometimes I have trouble believing it wasn't b/c of me that mine left me.
  • To keep remembering there is no manual for 10 year old boys
  • To stop wincing in front of Trace when I get worried.
  • To accept God doesn't think I need to have all the answers yet - and to just have faith
  • To not be so afraid of failure that I don't even try.
  • How to accept that Bon Jovi may be going country.

Things I learned just this week:

  • It is possible to gross out a 10 year old boy (mom gets 1 point).
  • 8th grade girls are crazy but have the biggest hearts.
  • A jeep can't get through snow drifts equal to my door.
  • In the quiet of the night when I think all is impossible I can still hear God.

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